Protecting the Elderly from Fraud
Protecting the Elderly from Fraud

When something mischievous is easy, people say it’s “like stealing candy from a baby.” In South Florida, it may be more appropriate to say it’s “like stealing money from a senior citizen.” Financial scams targeting the elderly in Florida is...

Punishing the Tobacco Industry
Punishing the Tobacco Industry

What did F. Scott Fitzgerald, George Harrison, Babe Ruth, my grandfather and my grandmother all have in common? At first glance, not much. The first three were world-renowned champions of their instruments; Fitzgerald of the pen, Harrison of the guitar...

P.I. in the Sky
P.I. in the Sky

Despite the fact that the vast majority of personal injury cases stem from accidents that occur on the ground, there are still other places where torts are committed.  As various other modes of transportation (and related machinery) develop, we have...

Personal injury lawyers
Lawyers can help!!!

Earlier today an outrageous claim was published in a local newspaper. The headline read “Personal injury lawyers blamed for our high insurance rates.” The article was actually an opinion based letter to the editor from a local resident.  The letter...

Facebook Privacy Concerns
Facebook Privacy Concerns

It was the landmark case of Miranda v. Arizona in which the supreme court ruled (by a vote of 5-4) that what you say –or even admit to – in an interrogation can only be used against you if you...

Apple IPAD Trial Touch App
Apple IPAD – Trial Touch App

It’s safe to say that we live in a more advanced, exploratory and innovative world than any of us could have imagined us inhabiting at this point in time. As we look at the iWorld around us, it’s hard to...

Why Lawyers are needed

As we go about our days, different people see different things.  The athletes in our population might look at a field and guess how long it would take them to run from point A to point B.  The dentists in...

Personal Injury Compensation
Personal Injury – Compensation???

Personal injury attorneys are plentiful for a reason – personal injuries are a common (unfortunately) part of life in our society.  Our culture is founded in the notion that justice is sought through the law, both in criminal cases and...

Voir Dire Questioning of potential jurors
Voir Dire – Questioning of potential jurors

Voir Dire is a phrase commonly used in the American legal world, but it has its roots, both linguistically and philosophically, in ancient times and societies. It literally means "an oath to tell the truth". Today, the phrase refers to...

Head Injuries in Sports
Head Injuries in Sports

Head injuries, particularly in football, have been a topic of intense scrutiny and relentless debate. Many N Florida players have complained that their injuries during their playing careers have caused them to suffer permanent injuries. New helmets have been designed and...

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