The title to this article rings true for one of our clients who recently received a $100,000.00 settlement (full policy limits) when a man made a wide U-Turn, cutting our client off and forcing her to run off the road into a cement wall. Initially, the insurance company representing the other driver aggressively defended the case and only offered $26,000.00 to settle the case (note our client suffered a fractured spine). The insurance company heavily relied upon the fact that their insured’s car NEVER IMPACTED our client’s car.
After learning of the insurance company’s initial offer, our law firm quickly ended negotiations and brought the matter into a lawsuit. During research and depositions we uncovered many inconsistencies in the other driver’s recollection of events. Most notable, we were able to prove that his large, older vehicle was incapable of making a narrow U-Turn and he did in fact veer across all 3 lanes during his U-Turn. We also found an independent witness who corroborated that the other driver poorly timed his U-Turn and cut off our client as she was legally passing through an intersection at 45 mph. Our client’s only options were crashing into the other drivers car at 45 mph (and possibly severely injuring the other driver) or veering to the right which eventually caused her to run off the road. Our client chose the latter.
Needless to say our client was devastated when the other driver, who got away without a scratch, pointed his finger at her for causing the crash. A few weeks before trial, the insurance company folded and accepted responsibility on behalf of the other driver. Our client was paid the full policy limits of $100,000.00.
It is cases like this that make our job as your attorney both challenging and enjoyable. We look forward to whatever challenges a case may bring. And when we succeed in overcoming those challenges it makes our job all the more satisfying.
Should you have a challenging personal injury case and you have any questions about it, please feel free to contact my office at 561-266-9191 or email us at
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