Over 25 years in Business

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These Traffic Signals Have Flashing Yellow Arrows: What This Means

Motorists in Palm Beach County will see an additional feature in their traffic lights. Eight intersections in Boynton Beach will have a new traffic light feature beginning on the 16th of November, flashing yellow arrows. Its success will determine whether...

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When Should You Call Your Car Accident Attorney?

Nobody plans to get into a car accident and we try our best to avoid them. Even if you are careful on the road, there are a lot of external factors that can cause an accident. So if you find...

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Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent When Getting a Car for Your Child

Adding your child who is now a teen driver to your household is an exciting and often nerve-racking time. It is very important to consult with your auto insurance agent when adding a new driver into your household. Aside from...

auto insurance myths
Auto Insurance Myths: Full Coverage vs. Uninsured Motorist Insurance

During our free consultations with new car accident clients, we routinely ask our clients what type of insurance they have and their response is often "I have full coverage." Unfortunately, the term 'full coverage' is misleading and does not protect...

SummerSafety Tips Boca Raton Personal Injury Lawyers
Safety Tips to Maximize the Fun this Summer

Summer time always has a very special place in the hearts of kids. It’s a time for them to really enjoy the freedoms of childhood, playing at the park, riding their bikes through the neighborhood, frolicking in swimming pools, and...

Solar Lighting and Premises Liability
Solar Lighting and Premises Liability

The Delray Beach, Florida Personal Injury Attorneys at Aronberg & Aronberg, Injury Law Firm are well educated on the dangers of darkness and premises liability. It is not uncommon for a property owner to find themselves a defendant in a...

Acts of God
411: Acts of God

  In personal injury law, when we talk about an “act of God,” we are not talking about a Biblical instance such as God parting the ocean – unless, of course, the splitting of the ocean caused flooding to the...

Staying Current with the Law
Staying Current with the Law – The Law Offices of Aronberg & Aronberg

  It’s important to stay on top of personal injury news so we’re going to help you out with that right here in this blog. We will be looking at a new lawsuit that’s been filed, a recall from a...

Criminal vs. Civil Cases
Criminal vs. Civil Cases

There’s little in terms of “black and white” thinking that evokes more controversy than the issue of “right and wrong.”  It is an over-simplified explanation of how society is governed to say that the government punishes those who do “wrong.” ...

Health Insurance Florida
Florida Healthcare Insurance Issue

In March 2010, President Obama signed a healthcare reform that caused much scrutiny and debate among the American public. Specifically, the most controversial provision in the bill states that in 2014, everyone must purchase health insurance or face a $695...

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