Over 25 years in Business

Auto Death Case 6 million Settlement Aronberg Aronberg Green
Auto Death Case $6 million Settlement – Aronberg & Aronberg

Aronberg & Aronberg is happy to announce a $6 million settlement in an automobile death case that the firm has been working on since 2008.  This case was a catastrophic automobile accident case involving the death of an 8-year-old girl. The 8-year-old and...

Drunk Driver
Injured by Drunk Driver?

Remember those outdated videos you watched during health class in high school? Sure you do, the ones about the big parties with the football players and the cheerleaders and the math nerds and the chess geeks?  Everyone in those videos,...

Drive Safely
Drive Safely

Superman always makes catching the bad guys look so effortless. He glides through the sky seeking out crime scenes and saving the innocent. If only it were that easy in real life. It was only earlier today that police received...

Texting while Driving A Valid Ban
Texting while Driving: A Valid Ban

There are times when text messages prove to be beneficial in today’s society. In a place where staying connected has transformed from available to required, text messages allow us to communicate almost instantaneously without the formalities of long phone conversations....

Car Crashes Low Speed
Car Crashes – Low Speed

If you drive down the highway and notice a catastrophic car accident with glass and metal everywhere, and a hood on fire, you can be sure that someone involved in the accident suffered – or is in the process of...

wrongful death claim
Wrongful Death

By legal definition, a wrongful death claim states that the victim has died due to the negligence of anoher and that the victim's surviving family are entitled to monetary damages to compensate for the improper conduct or negligence that led...

Dangerous Instrumentality Doctrine

A lot of people are under the impression that lending your car to someone else, letting someone drive your car, or putting your name on the title for a car for someone else somehow relinquishes you from liability in the...

automobile accident
How does auto crash cause a herniated disk?

A herniated disc injury to your spine often occurs in an automobile accident. The stress put on the spinal column in a car collision can cause a piece of the spinal structure (called a disk) that separates your back bones...

Truck Automobile

On Valentine’s Day 2005, our client was driving his automobile on I-95 when he was rear-ended by an 18-wheel Tractor Trailer at approximately 17 m.p.h. He sustained a highly unusual spinal injury at the top of his spine called Atlanto...


On February 19, 2007, our client was riding his bicycle when he was run over by a commercial truck. As a result of the bicycle accident crash, our client suffered an open fracture of his arm, rib fractures, coccyx fracture,...

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