I’m sure you’ve heard about the recent accident at the air show in Nevada. And the one in West Virginia. Commonality, it seems, is the name of the game. Accidents happen. Even though they say you’re more likely to get...
I’m sure you’ve heard about the recent accident at the air show in Nevada. And the one in West Virginia. Commonality, it seems, is the name of the game. Accidents happen. Even though they say you’re more likely to get...
It just wouldn’t be the summer of 2011 if Casey Anthony wasn’t popping up in the headlines again, right? Well, it appears that way. Today, her lawyers aren’t arguing her lack of guilt (not to be confused with innocence)—they’re arguing...
Voir Dire is a phrase commonly used in the American legal world, but it has its roots, both linguistically and philosophically, in ancient times and societies. It literally means "an oath to tell the truth". Today, the phrase refers to...
All prescription medication that we take comes with a laundry list of side effects that we need to be aware of when taking medication. Manufacturers of all prescribed medications have a duty to appropriately test all drugs and medications before...