Over 25 years in Business

Jury Verdict Vs. Broward School Board

In a very hard fought jury trial, we succeeded in obtaining a favorable jury verdict for our client.
The case arose from a knife stabbing at Piper High School in Broward County. Our female client became entangled in a fight between two male students and was punched in the face and stabbed in the neck with a knife. The incident occurred during school hours in math class. We proved to the jury that the school’s insufficient and untimely response to the fight was negligent. In fact, the former assistant vice principal flew to Florida from Colorado to testify about the school’s poor security measures. This witness told the jury about security guards who, at times, were intoxicated and who often left their posts. One security guard testified that knives were often brought to school. Our client suffered a permanent eye injury, a stab wound scar on her neck, and lasting mental injuries from the incident.

While the jury was deliberating, the school board’s lawyer was confident that he would win the case and our client would lose. Needless to say, our client was relieved and thrilled that the jury agreed that she should be compensated. The jury’s verdict was almost twice the amount the school board had offered to settle the case before trial.

This was a tough case to win. We convinced the jury that the School Board could have prevented her injuries with better security measures. Unfortunately, the truth about the school board’s negligence was only revealed after our client was stabbed in the neck.

As parents of young children ourselves, our firm sincerely hopes that this jury verdict will send an important message that causes an immediate improvement in the way the Broward School Board supervises the students whom parents entrust for safety. We hope you agree.

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