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What To Do After A Hit-And-Run Bicycle Accident

What To Do After A Hit And Run Bicycle Accident

Accidents are unexpected and unfortunate situations that everyone strives hard to avoid. Many of our local cities and roads do not do enough to protect cyclist and there are many dangerous interactions between motor vehicles and cyclist that give rise to collision. To make matters worse, some operators of motor vehicles flee the scene after a motor vehicle verse cyclist accident. When it comes to hit-and-run bicycle accidents, it leaves the injured cyclist in a condition where they are mentally, emotionally, and physically disoriented.

Some motorists inappropriately blame cyclist for accidents because they feel bicycles don’t belong on the road. That is far from the truth. A bicyclist has as much right to the road as does a motorist. A bicycle is permitted on roadways.

When you are hit by a vehicle while riding a bicycle, the driver at fault has to provide you with compensation for the financial expenses of both medical treatment and bicycle repair/replacement. If you are unable to identify the driver of the vehicle which hit you, you may be protected under your own auto insurance policy if you carry uninsured motorist coverage.

At Aronberg Law Firm, you can consult some of the best hit-and-run accident attorneys who understand your concerns and walk you through the entire process. If you are not sure how to handle the hit-and-run accident situation, pay a visit to Aronberg Law Firm and let them guide you in this matter.

There are many kinds of bicycle accidents, such as Dooring (A car door gets suddenly opened hitting the cyclist), Sideswipe (accidents at turns), and many more. The most common bicycle accident that we see is when cyclist riding on a sidewalk are struck by a vehicle exiting a parking lot and not realizing the cyclist path cuts across the driveway.

These are the most important things that you must do after being injured in a hit-and-run bicycle accident. Following these steps will help in getting you justice and also the right compensation.

#1 One Should Gather Information From The Accident Scene:

Accident Attorney

Try to obtain witness statements and check if there are any surveillance cameras in the area that may have captured the incident; you can take pictures of the accident scene after ensuring your safety. Besides the accident scene, you can take pictures of your injuries and the damage caused to your bicycle.

#2 Informing The Police And Requesting For Medical Help:

Informing police as well as getting medical aid is quite essential and must be done on an immediate basis. The police will prepare an official report of the accident and provide it to your lawyer. The medical staff would take care of your injuries. They would ensure that you are getting a detailed medical report of the injuries you have suffered.

#3 Hiring Lawyers Who Are Hit-And-Run Accident Specialists:

hit and run lawyer free consultation

Your most crucial decision would be to hire the best hit-and-run accident attorney. Aronberg Law Firm attorneys are personal injury specialists. They are highly qualified and have the expertise to handle hit-and-run accident situations of all kinds, file lawsuits, gather all the important documentation and witness statements, and also present the case in your favor.

#4 Gathering Information From The Witnesses:

Once hired, the hit-and-run accident attorney or lawyer will focus on gathering all the important information from the witnesses as it will play an important role in the tracking down of the faulty driver.
Besides this, it is quite essential to understand the given points below before you move ahead with the hit-and-run bicycle accident lawsuit.

(A) You Must Have A Basic Understanding Of The Hit-And-Run Bicycle Accident Cases:

A hit-and-run bicycle accident case would result in charges against the irresponsible driver if they are located. The charges (leaving the scene of an accident) would vary based on the severity of the accident. The fact that the motorist fled the scene of the accident

According to the civil law for hit-and-run cases, the bicyclist has the legal provision to file a lawsuit against the faulty/negligent driver. In this way, the injured party can receive the proper compensation for the medical expenses and other various financial losses.

(B) The Aronberg Hit-And-Run Bicycle Accident – Appeal For The Compensation From Insurance Company.

The highly qualified and expert lawyers at Aronberg Law Firm are aware of the complexities involved in filing for an insurance claim with the insurance company.

The insurance companies have a lot of procedural requirements, which if not fulfilled properly, may result in lower compensation. Now when you have a hit-and-run accident lawyer helping you, it becomes easy for you to get the right compensation as per the regulations. All case proceedings would be handled ably by the lawyers.


Being injured in a hit-and-run bicycle accident case can be traumatic, and thus to handle the situation, it is essential that you are following the aforementioned guidelines. The lawyers of the Aronberg Law Firm would help you in filing the lawsuit and help you get the proper financial compensation for your injuries and losses.

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