For centuries dogs have been known as man’s best friend. The Wellington and Delray Beach Personal Injury Attorneys at the Law Offices of Aronberg & Aronberg, Injury Law Firm love dogs. However, dogs are still animals and certain precautions must be considered. Dog owners should be aware of the law and their responsibilities to protect other people (or animals) from being injured by their dog especially dog bites.
Florida Statute 767.01 holds dog owners liable for any injuries caused by their dogs to another person or animal. This rule is strictly followed. It does not matter whether your dog has displayed aggressive behavior in the past. Dog owners are responsible for their pets from the very first bite. Additionally, a dog owner may be responsible for injuries unintentionally caused by their dogs. It is not uncommon for our law firm to get a phone call that someone (usually an elderly person or young child) was seriously injured after they were knocked to the ground by a playful dog.
Also, most homeowners’ insurance policies do NOT provide coverage for injuries caused by dogs. This means if your dog injures someone (or another animal) you likely have to pay out of pocket for the damages.
The best way to limit liability for dog-related injuries
is to ensure your dog is properly trained,socialized and supervised. However, we understand some dogs have complex behavioral problems that are not easily fixed. In these circumstances, pursuant to Florida Statute 767.04, a dog owner may limit their liability by displaying a sign outside of their property which reads “Bad Dog” or “Beware of Dog.” Accordingly, the guest enters the dog owner’s property at their own risk. The dog owner will only be responsible for injuries caused by their dog if the owner could have reasonably acted to prevent the injury or if the injured party is under the age of 6.
If you have any questions about dog bites law or what to do after a dog bite please call the Wellington & Delray Beach Personal Injury Attorneys at Aronberg & Aronberg, Injury Law Firm for a free consultation at (561)-266-9191.
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