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What Damages Can I Claim in an Uber Accident?

What Damages Can I Claim in an Uber Accident

Ridesharing is offering a way to enhance the public commute from one place to another. People find it convenient to reach their destination without any hassle.

But that does not mean, you will always be safe. Rideshare accidents(Uber) are making it hard to develop reliability in the rideshare companies. With the popularity of the rideshare community, there has been an increase in the number of accidents. According to a survey conducted by the Accident Precaution Association, 80 people do not have knowledge of the insurance claims for the rideshare accidents. It means, there are many injured parties who do not get rightful compensation claims for the personal injuries and damages sustained in the Uber accident. Usually, traveling by Uber provides safety, but you cannot guarantee it. Road accidents are inevitable. It can happen due to the Uber driver or any other driver’s fault.

What Happen When You Are Injured In The Uber Accident?

There are several reasons behind the Uber accident. The scenarios can be:

You can be the pedestrian and get hit by the Uber driver.

You are an Uber passenger, and your cab driver is at fault.

You are a passenger in Uber, and another vehicle driver is at fault.

Every scenario will have varying laws protecting it.

You must be aware of all the laws that can help you get compensation for the damages and personal injuries.

Who Is Eligible To Make The Claim For The Uber Accident?

Being a passenger of Uber experiencing fatal collisions. (It is due to the negligence of the Uber driver).

Your Uber cab gets hit by the negligence of another driver. (it can be due to rash driving or drunk driving).

You are a pedestrian who has been hit by an Uber cab.

You can raise the claim for the property damage, personal injuries, and lost wages in such scenarios. When the Uber driver is at fault, you will get compensation from the Uber insurance company.

Make sure you are making a legal claim for compensation.

What Damages Can You Claim In An Uber Accident?

What Damages Can You Claim In An Uber Accident

Here is a list of damages you can claim compensation in the Uber accident.

#1 Compensation Claim For Medical Reports, Tests, And Costing:

  1. Surgery costs
  2. Costs of admitting the patient and another hospitalization requirement.
  3. The cost incurred by the ambulance.
  4. The to and fro for the hospital rides.
  5. The cost of regular doctor consultations and visits
  6. The cost incurred by the medical devices.
  7. The prescription of all the medications.
  8. The cost incurred in the medication therapies and rehabilitation
  9. Medical services are received at home.
  10. You can file a lawsuit for the severity of the personal injuries and the recovery time.

#2 Compensation Claim For The Lost Wages Or Job Lost:

Sometimes, you have to take leave to get medical attention and recover from it. It leads to a loss in wages.

If the injuries are severe, you may suffer from lifelong physical and mental issues.

You may have to degrade your job potion.

Many people have lost their job due to injuries.

Companies cannot consider them physically and mentally fit for the working environment.

You can file a legal claim for such injuries and lost wages.

#3 Compensation for The Property Loss Or Damage:

It is another economic loss in the Uber accident for which you can get compensation. If your car or other vehicle sustained heavy damage in the Uber accident, the company is liable to pay $3000 or compensation or insurance coverage. You need to provide the bills for the repair work and servicing of the vehicle.

#4 Compensation For The Pain And Suffering You Had To Undergo For The Personal Injuries:

personal injury lawsuit

Usually, the suffering from the injuries is non-tangible and non-economical. But, you can include them in the personal injury lawsuit.

The sufferings will include mental stress, emotional trauma, physical pain, physical/mental disability, etc. Sometimes, the injured party faces death even after medical attention. In such a situation, the Uber insurance company needs to provide coverage to the family. It will include ht burial/funeral cost.


Want to file a lawsuit to sue Uber/Lyft drivers? Consult the best rideshare accident lawyers of Aronberg Law Firm. you will get all the required help to get rightful compensation.

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