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What Can I Include In A Motor Cycle Accident Claim?

What Can I Include In A Motor Cycle Accident Claim

Motorcycle accidents can be devastating for the victim. For one moment you are all in a good mood and driving on the road and the very next second, your life seems to have completely changed.

Although the financial compensations and winning a lawsuit will not be able to change the past, they certainly can assist you in moving forward and getting back on your feet. This is especially true if you have large accruing medical bills and lost wages.

To have a better understanding of the motorcycle accident lawsuit, you should consult the attorney. However, here is a brief introduction to damages that make up a claim. The damages are categories based on the type of personal injury you have endured, the severity of the damage caused to the vehicle, the time required in the recovery process, the medical expenses, the loss in the working hours of the job.

What Is Included In The General Damages?

In the lawsuit claiming for general damages, you are liable to ask for the compensation for pain, suffering and loss of amenity if you sustained a permanent injury. You may also seek damages for loss of enjoyment of life and loss of earning capacity.

What Is Included In The Special Damages?

In the section on special damages, you can ask for the reimbursement of various financial expenses (damage to the vehicle and medical expenses) and any loss of earnings you might have had to bear as a direct result of your accident.


The aforementioned injuries and damages are the most essential/important things that you must specify in the motorcycle accident claim. If you are not confident about filing the lawsuit on your own, you can hire a lawyer. The professional lawyers will help you in listing out all the highest priority information and get them added to the motorcycle lawsuit claim. Moreover, they will understand the details of the accidents, gather all the evidence and collect the statement of the witnesses to strengthen your case. When your claims are strong and valid, no one can stop you from winning the lawsuit and gaining compensation.

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