Our law office enjoys keeping up with the technological changes that occur almost on a daily basis. We now will take an in depth look into a new and unbelievably intricate product that just hit the market for Apple iPad’s, “Trial Touch”.
Tailored to trial lawyers, Trial Touch, created by DK Global, provides a beautiful interface that provides lawyers with a seamless transition from big paper folders to the convenience of one, small, thin device containing all of their information for trial. The trial presentation appears simple, and practically flawless.
Conveniently, there are colored tabs separating opening statements, liability, damages, and documents to organize your files. It can upload videos and any relevant trial exhibits directly to your iPad. It can even print exhibits via WiFi. Attorneys can present, redact, highlight, and zoom documents at trial, project video reenactments and animations, photographs, assign exhibits to witnesses, and so much more.
The intricacies of this App combined with its simplicity is really a revelation in applications for lawyers. It looks sleek, organized, and does not have any of the limitations that previous trial apps have suffered from.
It’s design, function, and simplicity is what is going to drive the future of Applications for lawyers. The capability of the iPad paired with the perfect look of Trial Touch makes for an extremely powerful software package that plenty of lawyers will catch on to.
Some people are more by the books or conservative and would rather not conform to society’s advances. However, let it be their loss, as Trial Touch has the look of something that will greatly simplify the life of a trial attorney and by itself has the ability to transform the dynamics of a courtroom now and into the future.
If you have any questions or comments, please call our office at 561-266-9191 or email us at daronberg@build.simple.biz
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