Over 25 years in Business

Nursing Home Neglect – Aronberg & Aronberg


Given that our main office is in South Florida, we are more aware of the elderly communities in our area than we would be if we were based in various other parts of the country.  As personal injury attorneys, we take our job seriously.  We see personal injury law as a means by which to defend the innocent and help those who would be otherwise unable to help themselves.  We would also be hard-pressed to find people more innocent and helpless than elderly folks who often times fall victim to the malicious and negligent treatment of those paid to take care of the elderly in nursing homes.

Nursing home abuse cases are a serious issue in general, but specifically in South Florida, where there is a disproportionately high concentration of elderly folks.  According to a CBS News study in 2009, nursing home abuse cases are on the rise.  Thousands of nursing homes across the country have been cited for abuse cases and the abuse can come in a variety of forms.  The abuses may include, but are not limited to:

1. Violent, physical abuse of a nursing home patient

2. Sexual abuse of a nursing home resident

3. Verbal and psychological abuse of a nursing home resident

4. Financial abuse of a nursing home resident

Families put their elderly relatives into nursing homes so that they can be nursed in their old age.  The families—and the residents in question—expect that the nursing staff will treat them with the utmost respect and care given their fragile state (and the nursing staff’s state of employment).  Sometimes, however, the nursing home turns into a house of horrors when the doors are shut and vigilant eyes are absent.  The residents are often times so affected by their medications that they don’t know what is happening—sometimes abuse is only discovered by family members noticing bruises and cut marks on their family members or drained bank accounts.

Nursing home abuse cannot be tolerated.  There is something that you can do to take action against someone who has hurt your loved one.  The law gives people rights and the ability to go after those who inflict undue harm.  Millions of dollars have been awarded in personal injury lawsuits stemming from the atrocious abuses that take place in nursing homes.  Whether the cases involve negligent supervision leading to a resident falling or the abusive, intentional, malicious punching of a resident by a nurse, the responsible parties are often made to answer for their crimes in a court of law.

If you suspect that someone you know has been the victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, please contact the Law Offices of Aronberg & Aronberg at 561-266-9191 or  The elderly deserve to live in tranquility, not fear and danger.

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