As our social lives become more dependent on the ever-increasing world of interactive media, the implications affect our physical lives, as well. This new toxic obsession brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “social suicide.”
Whatever it is, it can wait! Nothing is so important that you can’t wait to e-mail, text, tweet, post or blog about it until you get home (or somewhere else besides a car). We’re glad you’re reading our blog, but we sincerely hope you’re not doing it as you’re barreling down I-95, or even stopped at a red light on some back road. Text-messaging while driving is extremely dangerous. We receive many auto accident injury cases, the causes of which stem from a driver who was distracted due to text-messaging while “driving” their car.
Driving is a big responsibility, and your ability to do so satisfactorily should not be compromised by frivolous text-messaging. A recent study showed 18% of all deadly, distracted-driving car crashes in the United States was attributed to the use of cell-phones while operating a car. One would assume that with public acknowledgement of these horrors, distracted-driving accidents would begin to decrease. On the contrary, from 2005 to 2009 alone, cell-phone-related car crash fatalities increased by 60%.
Many states have heeded the call of responsibility and enacted laws against text messaging while driving. As of this summer, 34 states have passed such laws, the most recent being Nevada, Maine, Indiana and North Dakota. Results of these laws have proved wildly beneficial. In studies conducted in New York and Connecticut (two states which have enforce these laws), it was found that there was a decrease of almost 65% in distracted-driver auto accident—compare that to the national average increase of 60%! We encourage our leaders here in Florida to join the 34 states which are making a positive difference in the lives of their residents.
A study showed that at any given time during daylight hours in the United States, over 800,000 people are texting and driving simultaneously. Put down the phone. Please. Bring that number down to 799,999. Help ensure safety for yourself and those you share the road with.
If you have been injured in an auto accident, please call the Law Offices of Aronberg & Aronberg at 561-266-9191 or email us at
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