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Computer Technology Tips

Every so often we like to get off “lawyer” topics and discuss computer technology. As we all know, everything in the world is advancing. From the tools doctors use to the cars we drive, to how we use computers. In an ever-advancing technology world, it’s critical that we keep up with the technology so that we do not fall behind. Below are 5 general tech tips for you to consider in the coming New Year.

  1. Consider upgrading your computer monitor OR getting a dual monitor system. Using a large monitor or a dual monitor system will increase your efficiency in working on your computer. With a larger monitor or 2 monitors you will see more of what you need to see and you will need to scroll on the page less. With certain sized monitors, you will be able to display 2 documents on the same monitor at the same time. This will obviously prevent the need to switch back and forth between 2 documents. With a large monitor or 2 monitors you will be able to work faster and more efficiently.
  2. Buy Adobe Acrobat or another PDF reader and go paperless. Going paperless is beneficial in 2 ways. 1. it is better for the environment and you can save some trees!!! 2. All of your paper files can be scanned onto the computer and you can read, review and edit them all on your computer by using Adobe acrobat or a similar program. Adobe allows you to search documents, edit documents, combine documents and it has many more useful tools.
  3. In your email program, DELAY sending an email until you have thoroughly reviewed it. I’m sure there have been times when you forgot to attach a document, when you didn’t mean to reply ALL to a sensitive email, or after sending an email you wished you didn’t press the send button. In Microsoft Outlook, there is an easy way to delay the sending of all of your emails by setting up a rule. You can go to the home screen in Outlook and click on the Rules button. From there, click on Manage Rules, New Rule, Apply Rule on messages I send and then defer the delivery of your emails by a certain number of minutes. After setting the Rule, your emails will not be sent until you have had time to review them and make sure you wish to send them.
  4. Get Dropbox. Dropbox is a (free) file-sharing program in which users can share any type of file (whether it be photo, doc, video, etc.) from one device to another.  These devices can be iPads, iPhones, Android phones, or any Blackberry device.  That means that if you have a different type of mobile phone or tablet, or you are in different states on different networks, you will still be able to stay up-to-date on each other’s projects.  Dropbox provides a great way to keep in touch and stay up-to-the-minute with new developments.
  5. Go Wireless. Going wireless with your PC has long been coveted, but not easy due to the practical need for connections with peripherals and the need for power. More recently, advances in wireless technology have made this more of a reality. In 2016, it will be easier to connect laptops wirelessly to displays, eliminating cables. A wireless display will start working as soon as a laptop is within range. At some point, a laptop will be able to connect to multiple wireless monitors, which could be useful in meetings. One laptop will be able to stream to monitors on multiple desks.

The above tech tips can help you keep up in a world that seems to be moving at an incredibly fast rate.  For more information, please contact the Law Offices of Aronberg & Aronberg at 561-266-9191 or email us at

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