Campaign to Promote Safety of Child Passengers

baby care

Parents are expected to play many roles all in one day. They are expected to be caregivers, guidance counselors, providers, discipliners, teachers, supervisors and so many other roles all at once.  At times, it can surely be a hassle to remember all of the little details which is why a new campaign was announced today in Palm Beach County with the objective of helping parents remember a particular little detail; there is a “baby in the back” of the car.

The Safety Council of Palm Beach County, the Palm Beach County Sherriff’s Office, as well as personal injury attorney’s are endorsing this new campaign which they say at a low cost will increase caregivers awareness and help them to remember if they have forgotten that their child is sitting quietly in the back of the vehicle. This new campaign, “Baby in Back,” involves drivers wearing a blue silicone bracelet only when children are present in their vehicle. Officials say that the blue bracelet is sure to not only remind adults to implement extra cautious driving when children are present but also that once the adult leaves the car if they still have their bracelet on the child is likely still sitting in the back seat of their car.

Representative of the Safety Council, Donna Bryan, says that parents and other caregivers can forget their children in the back seat for a number of reasons and that no one is immune to it. She says that “wearing this bracelet is going to be ideal. It’ll help and cue the brain to remember.”

Deputy Chief Steve Delai of the Palm Beach County Fire Rescue says that forgotten children in vehicles are possibly the most traumatic calls that his agency receives. He says that they come more than once a day and over 400 times a year. He also makes the point that “we’ve got a lot going on in our lives, but children can’t protect themselves.”

If you are interested in obtaining a free bracelet contact the Safety Council of Palm Beach County at (561) 845-8233. It is a terrible thing for a child to lose their life for being forgotten in a car and sadly it happens much more often than it should.  We hope that this campaign will grow in popularity and bring upon a significant number in the decrease if terrible occurrences of this kind.

For questions or to obtain legal advice, please contact the Law Offices of Aronberg & Aronberg at 561-266-9191 or email us at

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