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BocaNewsNow Features Aronberg & Aronberg Injury Law Re: Lawsuit v. Valencia Reserve HOA

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On June 16, 2021, Aronberg & Aronberg Injury Law Firm filed suit against Valencia Reserve HOA as a result of a serious injury sustained by a resident who tripped over a hazardous condition on the sidewalk. Upon information and belief, the HOA Board and property manager had been considering a full blown repair and renovation of the sidewalk after fielding many complaints over the years. Many of the complaints were in regards to tree roots which grew under the sidewalk and lifted the asphalt creating an uneven surface. While the repairs and renovation were being contemplated, the sidewalk remained open for use by the residents (who are age 55 and over). After our client’s fall, the hazard was rectified and a full blown renovation of the sidewalk is underway for the betterment of the community. We are glad the community has undertaken the improvement; but still mindful that our client is now dealing with a serious permanent injury.

To prevail at trial, Aronberg & Aronberg Injury Law Firm will have to prove the HOA Board failed to correct a dangerous condition which the HOA knew about, or should have known about during, the course of their management of the community. During the lawsuit process, Aronberg & Aronberg Injury Law Firm will have the opportunity to review board minutes and meeting notes, obtain resident complaints, as well as conduct depositions of key witnesses.

Here is the link to the initial article published in BocaNewsNow:

If you have any information pertaining to the facts of our case please call us at 561-266-9191 and ask for attorney Aronberg & Aronberg.

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