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Boat/Cruise Ship Law

Boat Cruise Ship Law

Maritime law, or admiralty law, by definition is the body of legal rules that governs boating and shipping.

Maritime law applies to everything from shipping goods on a boat, to going on a cruise, to just enjoying a day out in the sun with friends or family on a personal boat.

Although most of the time these activities are enjoyable and leisurely, accidents do occur, and you should be aware of the possible legal ramifications of your actions. Additionally, you should be aware of the rights you have as a passenger on a boat or ship.

Ship owners or operators of a boat owe a duty of reasonable care to the passengers on the boat.  Most times (and hopefully) the operator of the boat has experience in driving the boat. The operator is responsible for your safety.  He or she should not put you in a position of risk or danger while on the boat.  Safety and caution should  always come first on a boat!!! Much like an auto negligence case, in order to determine whether you have a case, you must prove the following:

1. The owner or operator of a boat or ship owed you a duty of care (the driver of the boat or ship almost always owes you a duty to use reasonable care)

2. The owner or operator breached that duty (did something that was not reasonable and subjected you to a risk)

3. Causation- that the breach of that duty was the direct cause of injury (were you injured because of what the boat driver did?)

4. Damages- there must be a personal injury or damages (bodily inury? medical bills?)

If the owner or operator of a vessel fails to exercise reasonable care, an injured person or passenger may bring a lawsuit for the negligent operation of that vessel.

Maritime law is extremely broad, and it’s worth a phone call to see what kind of law may be relevant to your circumstances.

If you have been injured on a boat, you may be entitled to recover damages for your injuries. Having legal representation and obtaining advice is crucial in your pursuit of successful recovery of damages relating to your accident.

Call Aronberg & Aronberg at 561-266-9191 for a free consultation.

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