Auto Accident – What is UM???

Auto Accident What is UM

There’s little in life that’s more terrifying and costly than being involved in an auto accident, no matter how small or big it may seem.  Many questions swirl around the event.  They include, how did this happen? and Whose fault is it? and Who is going to cover the damage?  All of these questions are entirely valid—and all of them deserve answers!

So, let’s look at all of the questions.  The first two questions, more often than not, go hand-in-hand.  Assuming that the person who caused the accident didn’t flee the scene, you can determine how the accident occurred and whose fault it was.  If a distracted driver plowed into the rear of your car while texting, it won’t be difficult to determine who was at fault and why the accident occurred.  (Remember: if the person hits you and leaves the accident, you’re faced with a situation that is called a “hit and run” and that changes the scope of the case).  The next answer you need, who is going to pay for the damage, depends heavily on the type of insurance both motorists in the accident carry.  Almost always, if the guilty party has a substantial enough insurance policy (that covers the amount of damage and medical bills), they will be responsible for paying the costs of property damage and any medical bills you have as a result of treating injuries resulting from the accident.

A major problem that is not often considered in the aftermath of car accidents is sometimes the guilty party doesn’t have insurance—or if they do, it’s minimal coverage that isn’t enough to cover the damage.  This comes as a shock to courteous and conscientious drivers on the road, but the fact is that roughly 16% of drivers in the United States are without car insurance and that means that if you’re involved in a car accident, you’re out of luck!  Car accident damages in the U.S. amount to nearly $200 billion a year.  Those are 16% of drivers on the road and put everyone at risk of not being able to rightfully recover money lost as a result of the negligent driving of others.

So, what do you do if you’ve been involved in a car accident in which the guilty party doesn’t have proper insurance?  First and foremost, you retain an attorney!  Uninsured motorist cases are some of the most intricate and complex personal injury cases around, and so it is imperative that you hire an experienced attorney who knows the ins and outs of these types of cases.  Many people also have UM coverage – uninsured motorist coverage – included in their policy.  That assures that if you’re hit by a driver without insurance, your insurance policy will cover the damage!

To preemptively protect yourself against dangerous drivers without insurance, you can make sure that you have UM coverage.  If you’ve already been hit by a driver without insurance, and you don’t have the precautionary coverage, make sure to contact an attorney like the ones at the Law Offices of Aronberg & Aronberg.  Experienced attorneys like us will work on your behalf to ensure that you are justly compensated for your loss.  You’ve suffered enough; let us handle the path forward.

For more information on this legal matter or any other, please give us a call at 561-266-9191 or email us at

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