Over 25 years in Business

Apps for Lawyers

Expanding on our previous post on Apps for Lawyers which can be seen here https://aronberglaw.coms-for-lawyers , turning your legal practice into a mobile office is a growing phenomenon.

After doing some more research on the matter, there are several more Apps available that are definitely worth mentioning that can make the hectic life of a lawyer a little bit easier.

“DropBox,” a recently released and free App is a fantastic way of organizing and storing files online. Plus, you can share the folders with your staff to create a central place from which to access files. Conveniently, with this App, you can upload your files and access them on the go and send important documents to colleagues without being in the office.

JotNot’s Scanner Pro is a $0.99 App that turns your phone or iPad’s camera into a scanner. This very simple App allows you to take a picture of any document that you need scanned or faxed. The App amazingly turns the document into an electronic copy instantly. You can receive a document, scan it onto your phone or mobile device, and send it out to all of the necessary parties, without ever touching a scanner or computer! The technology really is astonishing, and the increased trend towards mobile technology is growing by the day. Lawyers can now be productive anywhere.

Another notable App, perhaps the most useful is the Black’s Law Dictionary, 9th Edition. The App goes for $54.99, but is probably the most useful App that a lawyer can own. The dictionary includes more than 45,000 terms, alternate spellings and expressions. Essentially, this App becomes your “back pocket legal assistant” which you can use to ensure you never miss a legal beat. The days of flipping through pages to find pertinent legal defintions are numbered.

The topic of Apps for Lawyers will be relevant for years to come. Soon, mobile technology will trump the use of desktop computers. The Aronberg & Aronberg legal blog will continue to update you on the most relevant Apps for lawyers as we attempt to take advantage of the plethora of resources made available in the App store.

If you have any questions or comments, please call our office at 561-266-9191 or email us at

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