While most people think of rear-end car accidents as minor fender-benders, these collisions can cause severe injuries when drivers are traveling at low or high speeds. These crashes often happen because someone made a reckless or careless decision. Whoever was responsible for causing a rear-end accident in Delray Beach should be liable for the damages that they caused.
A car accident attorney at Aronberg & Aronberg Injury Law Firm is available to investigate the cause of an accident and gather evidence to demonstrate liability. We aim to give your case the time, attention, and resources it needs to get you fair compensation for your losses.
There are several factors that increase the likelihood of a rear-end accident occurring. Though most people assume the driver in the rear is always responsible, there are many cases where the driver in front or a third party could be liable for these accidents.
Rear-end collisions most commonly occur because of tailgating. Drivers must leave space between their vehicle and the vehicle in front of them, so they have enough time to react to a sudden stop. When a driver does not leave an appropriate amount of space and causes a rear-end collision, it is relatively easy to prove liability.
A distracted driver may not notice the vehicle in front of them has stopped and continue driving, causing a rear-end crash. Texting while driving is one of the most dangerous forms of distraction on the road and is illegal in most states. Unfortunately, many drivers continue to check and use their phones behind the wheel, leading to these collisions.
While not technically illegal, general inattentiveness can also lead to rear-end wrecks. A driver eating or conversing with passengers may accidentally step on the wrong pedal, driving into a vehicle stopped in front of them instead of braking. A determined attorney could review phone records and other available evidence to determine if a driver was recklessly distracted at the time of a rear-end crash.
The driver in front could be at fault for a rear-end accident when they made a sudden and unexpected stop somewhere they were not expected to. For example, a reasonable motorist would not expect someone to suddenly brake at a green light. These collisions are often caused intentionally, though defendants may still argue they should not share the blame as the vehicle in front. Hiring an experienced Delray Beach attorney who knows hows to handle rear-end car accidents could be critical to proving a driver is at fault for making a sudden and unexpected stop.
In some accident cases, involved drivers did everything they possibly could to avoid a collision. Unfortunately, dangerous road conditions can force a motorist to make a sudden and unexpected stop, leading to accident scenarios that are not necessarily the fault of either driver. Our Delray Beach attorneys can investigate whether a third party, such as a government entity or maintenance team, may be liable for unsafe road conditions.
Many forms of evidence could indicate who is at fault for a rear-end accident. Skid marks at the scene of an accident can provide a strong indication of a vehicle’s movements, including whether a driver applied the brakes and used any evasive maneuvers. We also live in an era where video footage is often available in one form or another. ATM machines and security cameras may have recorded an accident from a nearby bank or supermarket. Dash camera footage is especially helpful.
Our attorneys have also worked with car manufacturers to gather information about a crash from other parts of a vehicle. Most automobiles are equipped with an Event Data Recorder (EDR), which can provide information about a vehicle’s speed and whether the driver had been using brake lights or signals at the time of a crash. Our Delray Beach attorneys leave no stone unturned when investigating what caused a rear-end collision and who could be liable.
After a rear-end car accident in Delray Beach, injured parties should contact a local attorney as soon as possible. Because we work on a contingency basis, you pay us nothing unless and until we obtain compensation for you. If we do not obtain any compensation for you, we do not get paid.
At Aronberg & Aronberg, our attorneys could work tirelessly to help you achieve a positive outcome. Call now to schedule a free consultation.
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