While fleeing the scene of an accident is a crime, it is unfortunately all too common. These cases typically involve criminal charges against the fleeing driver, but injured parties also have the right to pursue compensation for their losses through a civil claim.

A Boca Raton hit and run accident lawyer works to help you understand your rights and recover full compensation for your injuries. They could pursue compensation through your own insurance policy or file a lawsuit against an at-fault driver if we are able to find him or her. The determined auto accident attorneys at Aronberg & Aronberg, Injury Law Firm are here to help.

Boca Raton’s Hit and Run Laws

State law makes it illegal to leave the scene of any car accident when there has been property damage or any type of injury. Florida Statute § 316.061 states that any person leaving the scene of an accident with property damage can go to jail for up to 60 days and pay a fine of up to $500. If the accident results in a serious injury or death, Florida Stat. § 316.027 treats the hit and run as a felony. Convictions for this charge can lead to a prison sentence of up to 30 years.

This criminal prosecution has little to do with civil claims. The criminal and civil court systems are separate, even if the same facts are present in both cases. Even if a defendant is guilty in the criminal court of leaving the scene of an accident, they may not necessarily be at fault for civil injury claims. However, a guilty verdict in a criminal court may support any injured survivor’s civil claim to compensation. A local accident attorney could further explain the state’s hit and run laws and how they impact a civil demand for compensation.

Proving Fault for Hit and Run Accidents

Leaving the scene of an accident is not, in and of itself, indicative of direct responsibility for personal injuries. Injured parties seeking compensation must prove another driver was negligent. Simply put, negligence is when a person violates a legal duty of care, resulting in injuries or harm to another person. All drivers have a responsibility to care for other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. If a driver acts in a reckless way, such as by speeding or ignoring a stop sign, and causes an accident, they are responsible for any harm the crash causes to others.

Support from a Boca Raton attorney is essential for pursuing a lawsuit for injuries sustained in a hit and run crash. A skilled injury attorney could help locate the fleeing driver and build a powerful case against them. Depending on your insurance policy, you may be able to recover compensation even if the at-fault driver cannot be found. A dedicated legal team could exhaust all available means to get plaintiffs the compensation they deserve for their losses.

Contact a Boca Raton Hit and Run Accident Attorney Now

When you are involved in a hit-and-run accident, you should be in contact with the police and provide them with any identifying information on the fleeing driver. If law enforcement can locate the suspect, they could face criminal charges as well as civil liability.

A Boca Raton hit and run accident lawyer is ready to take the lead in protecting your legal rights. This includes helping track down the other driver, evaluating how the event has changed your life, and demanding fair compensation. Reach out to Aronberg & Aronberg, Injury Law Firm now to learn more.

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