Aronberg & Aronberg, Personal Injury Cases

Aronberg & Aronberg, Personal Injury Cases

There’s no question that in recent years television-watchers have seen a spike in televised commercial advertisements for law firms touting their expertise in matters of personal injury law.  As stated in previous blogs, that doesn’t necessarily mean the practice of personal injury law is bad.  Plenty of advertisements are abundant and repetitive – but still useful and representative of a useful and worthy “product,” ours being a stock of relevant legal knowledge.   Contrary to popular (and cynical) belief, the purpose of advertisements are not to trick you into engaging in some illegal business activity or bogus lawsuit.

Advertisements are used to make the public aware of products – and opportunities – that they may otherwise not have known about.  Law firm ads are no different.  It’s safe to say that the majority of the general public doesn’t have a law school education, and therefore, is not sufficiently aware of the entire scope of their legal rights.  These ads simply make people aware of their rights and give them a channel through which to exercise those rights.

The most important thing to keep in mind during an inundation of televised law firm ads is not that they will be over in thirty seconds or less, but that the content of the ads may or may NOT apply to you.  Lawnmower ads are great for property owners who want to maintain an aesthetically pleasing lawn; that said, if you live in the city and haven’t seen grass in years, there’s probably no reason to call the number on the screen.  The same goes for potential legal claims; if you don’t have a legitimate claim, the services advertised on the commercials is of no benefit to you.  However, deciding whether you do or you don’t have a substantiated legal claim is not as easy as looking out your window and deciding whether or not you need a lawnmower.

Let’s take a look at a few incidents that might be on your mind when considering whether or not you have may have a legitimate claim against an individual or company.  The first is the most-often talked about, and that is the issue of auto accidents.  If you’ve been injured in a car accident due to the negligence or recklessness of another, you may very well have a claim against that person.  “Negligence” infers that the person in the other vehicle was doing something wrong; this could be speeding, texting, dozing off, running a red light, etc.  If you were simply driving and struck a pole because of rainy weather, you would have to collect the money from your own insurance company to pay for your injuries.  Rain (like snow, wind, etc.) is normally considered an “Acts of God” and cannot be blamed on another driver.

Another common personal injury case is that of the slip or trip and fall.  If you are visiting your neighborhood grocery store and you slip on a puddle of olive oil, and hurt yourself, you may very well have a claim against the grocery store.  Your injuries, theoretically, would have been caused by the negligence of the grocery store for having a puddle of olive oil on the floor on which people can slip and seriously hurt themselves.

Medical malpractice is another highly contested (and litigious) issue.  Medical malpractice is, simply, medical wrongdoing.  So, given that such an issue exists, if you have undergone surgery or consultation, etc., by a medical professional, and as a result you sustained an injury, you may have a legal claim against the given medical professional.

The bottom line is you can’t make a legal claim against someone unless you sustained some kind of loss because of something that they did or didn’t do.  That loss can be physical, financial or mental, but there has to be something that can you can be “compensated,” or “paid back” for.

If you think you might have a case and you want to discuss it for FREE, call the Law Offices of Aronberg & Aronberg at 561-266-9191 or email us

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